
DURIAM IP LAW  is a boutique firm and cherishes the principles on which we were founded. That enables us to pay close and immediate attention to each of our clients to develop customized solutions to the complex patent challenges that they face both in Korea and overseas.

Seasoned Experts

The main source of high quality service and success is our professionals with outstanding quality. Our professionals hold graduate degrees in the related fields and served in the private as well as public sectors. This allows us to offer specialty resources with breadth and depth that are hardly found in boutique firms.

Specializing in acquiring, protecting and managing ideas and innovations, we stay abreast of all new rules and regulations governing the protection of your unique ideas. This allows us to immediately understand clients' requests, identify the key issues and skillfully guide our clients through the intellectual property laws to provide them with well-tailored and innovative solutions in the most cost-effective way.

Outstanding Client Service

We cherishes the principles on which we were founded. That enables us to pay close and immediate attention to all our clients to provide high quality legal services that are uniquely tailored to each of their needs.

We also constantly review our work process at all levels to improve our service and adopt the ones that can better serve our client’s needs, which guarantees satisfaction of our service not in terms of quality and cost.